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Map of Seville old: historical and vintage map of Seville
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You can find on this page the Seville old map to print and to download in PDF. The Seville historical map and the vintage map of Seville present the past and evolutions of the city of Seville in Spain.

Seville historical map

The Seville old map shows evolutions of Seville city. This historical map of Seville will allow you to travel in the past and in the history of Seville in Spain. The Seville ancient map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

The historical city of Seville was known from Roman times as Hispalis. The nearby Roman city of Italica, a mainly residential city at the time, is well-preserved and gives an impression of how Hispalis may have looked in the later Roman period. Important remains also exist in the nearby city of Carmona. Existing Roman features in Seville as its mentioned in Seville historical map include the remnants of an aqueduct, a temple in Mármoles Street, the columns of La Alameda de Hércules, the remains exposed in situ in the underground Antiquarium of the Metropol Parasol building and, finally, the remains in Patio de Banderas square, near of the Seville Cathedral.

Seville was taken by the Moors, Muslims from the North of Africa, during the conquest of Hispalis in 712. It was the historical capital for the kings of the Umayyad Caliphate, the Almoravid dynasty first and after the Almohad dynasty (from Arabic الموحدون al-Muwahhidun, i.e., "the monotheists" or "the Unitarians"), from the 8th to 13th centuries. The Moorish urban influences continued and are present in contemporary Seville, for instance in the custom of decorating with herbaje and small fountains the courtyards of the houses as you can see in Seville historical map.

In 1248 forces of King Fernando III of Castile won victory in Seville chapter of the peninsula Catholic Reconquista (reconquest as its shown in Seville historical map). Fernando, who died in the Alcázar in 1252, was declared Saint in 1671 and his body is embalmed in the Seville Cathedral and it is shown to the people several times by year in the main days, announced in the historical Cathedral Calendar. The city development continued after the Castilian conquest in 1248. Public buildings constructed including churches, many of which were built in Mudéjar style, and the Seville Cathedral, built during the 15th century with Gothic architecture. The Moors Palace became the Castilian royal residence, and during Pedro I rule it was replaced by the Alcázar (the upper levels are still used by the Royal Family as the official Seville residence).

Seville vintage map

The Seville vintage map give a unique insight into the history and evolution of Seville city. This vintage map of Seville with its antique style will allow you to travel in the past of Seville in Spain. The Seville vintage map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Roman Seville, named Hispalis, was a significant vintage port on Río Guadalquivir, which is navigable to the Atlantic Ocean 100km away. Muslim Seville, called Ishbiliya, became the most powerful of the taifas (small kingdoms as its mentioned in Seville vintage map) into which Islamic Spain split after the Córdoba caliphate collapsed in 1031. Poet-king Al-Mutamid (106991) presided over a languid, hedonistic court in the Alcázar palace

In 1717 the Casa de la Contratación, the government office controlling commerce with the Americas, was transferred to Cádiz. Another Seville vintage plague in 1800 killed 13, 000 people. The beginnings of industry in the mid-19th century brought a measure of prosperity for some, but the majority remained impoverished. Seville fell very quickly to the Nationalists at the start of the Spanish Civil War in 1936, despite resistance in working-class areas (which brought savage reprisals as you can see in Seville vintage map).

Things looked up in the 1980s when vintage Seville was named capital of the new autonomous Andalucía within democratic Spain, and sevillano Felipe González became Spain prime minister. The Expo ’92 international exhibition (1992) brought the city millions of visitors, eight new bridges across the Guadalquivir and the super-fast AVE rail link to Madrid. Seville economy is now steadily improving with a mix of tourism, commerce, technology and industry (see Seville vintage map).